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Our mission is to provide families a chance to access quality services which meet their needs. Our objective is to instill positive self-esteem, link clients with other agencies and provide a stimulating environment to help children reach their full potential.

Origins of Sombra Township Child Care Inc.

Our story begins some 32 years ago when a small group of moms and their children were invited to a play time at Carol’s house. During our weekly play time it was clearly identified that this space was not large enough and the playgroup was moved to the Port Lambton Community Hall. Toys were borrowed from the toy lending library in Wallaceburg, snacks provided by the parents and attendance continued to increase.


A small group of individuals made up of Moms and ECE professionals from our community met and decided to meet an identified need for childcare and parent support within our community. An application was made to the Ministry of Community and Social Services to receive funding to start a Co-Op Nursery School Program. In January, 1992 we opened licensed child care for our community located at the Port Lambton United Church. The following year funding was secured to open a before/after school age program at Riverview Central School, and in 1994 we welcomed the addition of our Family Drop In Program. There began a tradition of quality early years programs that continue to this day.


In 2003 Sombra Township Child Care Inc. received a grant, which enabled us to renovate the empty Sombra Township Administration Building. It was this year that the province had implemented Ontario Early Years Centres, O.E.Y.C., so our “Family Drop In” took on a new name and we could expand the hours of services. In 2006 the province announced the Best Start Initiative. STCC was once again successful to receive funding which allowed us to grow from 36 licensed spaces to our current 183. The Riverview Site  was developed at Riverview Central School under the Best Start Initiative and Sacred Heart School received their own Preschool and School Age Programs. Our EarlyON Child and Family Centre expanded during this time to offer programs in Corunna and Brigden.

Fall of 2023 – here we grow again!  In collaboration with the Ministry of Education, County of Lambton and the St. Clair Catholic District School Board our next phase of community child care was completed.  Our expansion at the Sacred Heart Catholic School provided the opportunity to offer additional child care spaces for infants, toddlers and preschoolers.

Now 32 years later since opening in the Port Lambton United Church we are proud to offer early years programs for 108 Families, 159 children.

Board of Directors

STCC is governed by a board of directors which include 7 volunteer members, whom are parents and community members. Board meetings are held monthly (with the exception of July and August).


We strive to provide quality Early Learning Programs by hiring Registered Early Childhood Educators who are dedicated to providing the best program for each child. Our Educators remain current in their profession by attending various professional development opportunities throughout the year.


Our curriculum is based on “How Does Learning Happen?” Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years. Through observation of the child’s interest and development, meaningful experiences are planned and implemented. Documentation of your child’s development can be found in all our classrooms and parents are welcome to read, observe and ask questions. Each child from infancy until they enter into JK will have a blue binder where parents will find documentation and your child’s most recent Ages and Stages Questionnaire A.S.Q. Twice per year, with parent’s consent the ASQ, a developmental screening tool is completed on children age’s infancy to four years of age.

Quality Assurance

As part of our commitment to the County of Lambton, we complete annual parent surveys, provide information on our most recent “Licensing Checklist”, conduct an annual Quality Assurance review and complete an annual Environmental Rating Tool, which is the Australian Quality Assessment. Results of all the above are shared with the County.

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